Sunday, April 29, 2012


I had a baby!!!! I'm planning on writing out my birth story and putting up a few little pictures for all you faithful follower(s), but for now let me just inform you all that our Rosebud Elizabeth Pearl was born April 26th at 12:46 pm at the hospital with, get this... NO DRUGS! I am so proud of myself and proud of her too. We are completely in love and hilariously pretty much threw all of our name choices away once we met her. We call her Rosie and she is absolutely delicious.
here she is with her daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! Didn't want to speak up before on your induction post because birth is very personal but I'm super proud of you for the no drugs -- that's a pretty huge accomplishment, mama! Take care of yourself and soak up all that newborn wonderfulness (in between the feelings of "oh my god what did we do?!?!?!"). Can't wait for more pics of your darling Rosie!
