Sunday, December 11, 2011

montreal to peterborough - day 1

Peterborough was basically a smashing success. B. was playing at a pretty little bar called the Garnet and things really good off to a good start when they served me a big heaping bowl of the most delicious veggie chili. I was so hungry by the time we got there that B. and I were on the verge of a fight, mostly due to me acting completely irrationally due to low blood sugar. The venue was really pretty and comfortable-perfect for the type of shows we’ve been planning for this tour, but the bar was empty. When b. started his set there were only four other people in the place. As soon as he started his performance people started filtering in. the magical thing about peterborough is that it is such a community, everybody knows everybody else. The crowd was great and everybody really loved B.’s music and bass playing, so much so that they requested that he play a second set, which of course he did. A really nice punk guy named Tyler set us up to stay at his place so after some good conversation and a few beers/glasses of water, B. and I cuddled up on a futon along with one of his dogs and two cats and slept soundly until morning.

This picture was posted on the wall in the bathroom of the Garnet. Obviously it jumped out at me because of the pregnant lady and her racy pose. I like it because it shows that women can still be sexy in their pregnancies, when most imagery of pregnancy put emphasis on women as vessels of purity and chastity. I think it’s important to remember women can still be sexy even if they are carrying a child! Represent!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! Pregnancy definitely has it's sexiness. It's good to have a man to tell you that because I for sure didn't feel it when I was 38 weeks :)
